UA Undergraduates Present Summer Research at ICFDA 2024
A group of 9 students from the College of Engineering (from both the ECE and CS departments) continued their international research experiences this summer by presenting posters of their research at the 2024 International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Applications (ICFDA) in Bordeaux, France.
Students shared the results of their projects, which were focused on fractional-order circuits and systems, to audiences of mathematicians, engineers, and scientists across a range of disciplines. While at the conference students were able to participate in workshops and network with leading professionals in the field, including Dr. Igor Podluby and Dr. Roberto Garrappa (researcher’s whose work they have extensively used in their projects).
These students are part of an NSF-funded International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program coordinated by Dr. Todd Freeborn (Department of Electrical Engineering) in collaboration with Dr. Jaroslav Koton (Vice-Dean for Research and PhD Study in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication) at the Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic. Students spent 12 weeks researching with faculty at the Brno University of Technology from May to July and are returning to UA to continue their studies for the Fall semester.